Breathing Exercises for Asthma: A Beginner’s Guide

Radhika Dadhich

Perex: In recent years, doctors have begun recommending breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing and the Papworth method for asthma symptom mitigation. 

Breathing is something most people take for granted, except for those with severe asthma. It is a condition that narrows the airways in the lungs to the point where it can become difficult to breathe. There are certain medications like inhaled corticosteroids and beta-agonists that open up the airways to help you breathe easier. But, are there other ways to mitigate and control asthma? Yes, you can try out breathing exercises for asthma control.

For a long time, doctors avoided recommending breathing exercises to manage asthma simply because there was not enough evidence to show that they work. However, more recent studies suggest that exercises might help improve the quality of life for people with asthma. Interested to know more? Read ahead!

How Can Breathing Exercises Help with Asthma?

Breathing exercises can help asthma symptoms in the following ways -

  • Improving overall lung function
  • Reducing asthma symptoms
  • Improving overall lung health

Breathing exercises may have positive effects on hyperventilation symptoms, lung function and the quality of life. Of course, they cannot prevent your airways from constricting, but they can help in enhancing your overall breathing control. This helps manage asthma symptoms in a better way. 

Top 3 Breathing Exercises for Asthma Control and Mitigation

  1. Diaphragmatic Breathing

It is an excellent way to control symptoms of asthma and can be done in the following steps -

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and keep a pillow under your knees; otherwise, sit up straight in a chair

  • Place one hand flat on your upper chest and the other on your stomach

  • Breathe in slowly through your nose and observe the hand on your stomach move, whereas the other hand placed on your chest shall remain still.

  • Then, breathe out slowly through pursed lips. 

Continue practicing the technique until you are able to breathe in and out without moving the chest.

  1. Nasal

Some studies have associated mouth breathing habits with more intense asthma symptoms. The greatest advantage to breathing through the nose is that it adds warmth and humidity to the air, which mitigates asthma symptoms.

  1. The Papworth Method

The Papworth method focuses on slow and controlled nasal breathing. It amalgamates diaphragmatic breathing techniques with relaxation methods. To indulge in the Papworth method, you can follow the steps given below -

  • Sit up straight
  • Alternate between inhaling and exhaling slowly through your nose for several seconds
  • Pay attention to how your belly rises and falls
  • Repeat the exercise several times

According to a 2007 study, the Papworth method is quite useful in managing symptoms of dysfunctional breathing, respiratory challenges, etc. 

Key Takeaways

So, there we have it, the top 3 breathing exercises for asthma control and management. 


Asthma is a condition wherein the airways of the lungs are constricted, making it difficult to catch a breath. Some breathing exercises for asthma control can help.