What Is The Best Frequency for Meditation?

Radhika Dadhich

The ideal length to meditate and reap the maximum benefits vary from person to person. However, the generic consensus is that 10 minutes of meditation per day is a good way to indulge in the practice. 

In recent times, people have realized that meditation is a boon with tremendous benefits. It helps reduce stress, anxiety and even depressive symptoms while providing us with much-needed peace of mind. If you are new to meditation and are wondering what is the best frequency for meditation, then this post is the place to be!

How Long Should You Meditate?

To begin with, there is no exact and precise science that dictates the amount of time you should meditate for the best results. However, a 2018 study published in Behavioural Brain Research reveals that meditation 13 minutes a day for eight weeks decreased negative mood states, enhanced attention, working memory and recognition memory and reduced state anxiety. Furthermore, compared to the group that meditated for four weeks, the research participants who meditated for eight weeks saw much greater favorable results.

Thus, it is best to aim for a 10 to 15 Minutes Mindfulness Meditation per day if you solemnly want to reap the benefits of this therapeutic and healing practice. But, it is essential to remember that every individual responds differently to meditation. So, if a 10 minute meditation session does not seem to be making that much of a difference in your life, definitely try out longer sessions. 

The Best Frequency of Meditation for Beginners 

Meditation is not an easy habit to get into. The focus and patience that meditation requires means that it is best to start slow. As a beginner, you do not want to jump into 15-20 minute long meditation sessions. You should start out meditating for at least 5 minutes a day. This will help you get used to the practice and develop a better sense of the ideal time to meditate. 

If 5 minutes seems too lengthy, start with 2–3 minutes and increase one minute every week until you reach the desired duration.

What Is The Best Time to Meditate?

When you combine the best frequency for meditation along with the ideal time to indulge in the practice, the result can be miraculous. To begin with, the best time to meditate depends on a range of factors. The key is to choose a time wherein you feel best and are most likely to adhere to your routine.  

For many people, morning meditation is the best as it is a great way to start the day by being mindful and practicing self-care. On the other hand, for others, afternoon or evening meditations are the best because of the ensuing quiet and peace.


So, there we have it, a crisp overview of the best frequency for meditation.

Summary: Although, there is no one size fits all answers to the ideal frequency of A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation Pods, 10 minute meditation is considered a good benchmark by many people.