The first post - Welcome to

Vladimir Subr

Dear friends, welcome to This is our first post. A little introduction is in order. is an online service that offers various specialised tools for work and play. Simple tasks that you would have previously needed a dedicated app for, you can now easily solve in your browser using On your computer, on your mobile, on your tablet, it doesn't matter.

We want to bring you useful services that make your life easier. 

We offer a range of similar services, each tailored for a specific purpose. With our ambitious goals in mind, we are starting with five initial services.

MP3 converter you can easily separate the audio from a music clip or the audio track from a discussion video for playback in the car.

Our other two tools are focused on time measurement. Firstly, we have a kitchen timer that counts down the time and a classic stopwatch. The last tool we can offer you now is to identify the IP address and ISP. Your IP address is your primary identifier on the Internet, so it's a good idea to know . Lastly, a clear map will show you from which geographic location you are connecting.

How can we make a good impression on you?

  1. Majority of our services are free of charge.
  2. Ease of use , we create tools for easy and convenient use.
  3. Availability on any device, use without installation.
  4. A wide range of tools that cover many common activities from conversions (images, audio, video), to useful IT tools (IP address, QR scanner), to working with office files (pdf, excel), to tools that make using social networks more enjoyable.
  5. We think and work for you. We also offer individual tools preset . These tools will help you in one click.
  6. We value our users and work with your preferences and feedback.
  7. Location. We set out to make Vefru a global project. But of course, to do that we have to respect local customs and languages. We want to translate Vefru into many world languages. In addition, we definitely want to have a language version not only for the most widely used languages in the world, but we would also like to cover languages that are not exactly at the forefront of Western companies' minds (for example, African and Asian languages), which have tens of millions of speakers but often zero attention from the Western world.

Thanks, stay tuned. Next time we'll talk about our visions, plans, future tools.
