Time zone tool

What time is it in New York, London, or Tokyo? Find out the time in any selected city around the world

Paris time is:

10:15 PMFeb 13, 2025
Paris follows UTC/GMT 1 hours
and is -1 hours of Zulu

Time in other places

Accurate world time and time zones

Are you a frequent traveler, remote worker, or global communicator? Do you need to know the time in different cities (or countries) around the world?

If so, you'll love this tool that lets you find out the time in any city you choose and compare it with your local time. Whether you're flying to New York, working with colleagues in London, or calling your family in Sydney, this tool will help you plan your schedule and avoid confusion.

You can also learn about the time zones of different regions and how they change with daylight saving time. This tool is easy to use, fast, and accurate. Just enter the name of the city you want to check, and you'll see the current time and date, as well as the time zone and the difference from your local time.

This tool is compatible with all major browsers and devices. Try it now and see for yourself how convenient it is to know the time around the world.

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How to use the time zone tool?

  1. Choose a city (and thus a country).
  2. You can see the current time at the location. That's all. :-)

Time zone tool

  • All capital cities

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  • Clear information

    Accurate time and unquestionable time zone information.

  • Free app

    Free tool

    Our tool works for free on any device.