Time in New York

Our tool brings you the current time in New York City:

New York time is:

4:16 AMFeb 14, 2025
New York follows UTC/GMT -5 hours
and is 5 hours of Zulu

Time in other places

Time in New York tool

New York is in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States of America (USA). The Eastern Time Zone of the United States is one of the four main time zones in North America, along with the Pacific, Mountain, and Central Time Zones. It covers most of the eastern part of the country, from Maine to Florida, and includes some parts of Canada and Mexico. It is also used in some Caribbean and Central American countries.

Time zone name

The Eastern Time Zone is named after its location east of the prime meridian (0° longitude), which is also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The Eastern Time Zone is 5 hours behind GMT during standard time (EST), and 4 hours behind GMT during daylight saving time (EDT). This means that when it is noon in GMT, it is 5:00 AM in EST and 4:00 AM in EDT.

Important time zone

The Eastern Time Zone has a significant impact on the culture, economy, and politics of the United States. It is home to some of the largest and most influential cities in the country, such as New York, Washington D.C., Boston, Philadelphia, and Miami. It also hosts many important events and institutions, such as Wall Street, Broadway, the White House, Congress, and NASA.

Daylight saving and winter time history

The Eastern Time Zone has a rich history that dates back to colonial times. The first official observance of daylight saving time in the United States was in 1918 during World War I. Since then, daylight saving time has been adopted by most states in the Eastern Time Zone every year from March to November. However, some states have resisted or rejected daylight saving time for various reasons.

Time difference between New York

The time difference between New York and various cities around the world is as follows:

  • Los Angeles: 3 hours behind New York. For example, when it is 6:00 am in New York, it is 3:00 am in Los Angeles.
  • Tokyo: 14 hours ahead of New York. For example, when it is 6:00 am in New York, it is 10:00 pm of the previous day in Tokyo.
  • Beijing: 13 hours ahead of New York. For example, when it is 6:00 am in New York, it is 9:00 pm of the previous day in Beijing.
  • Dili: 14 hours ahead of New York. For example, when it is 6:00 am in New York, it is 10:00 pm of the previous day in Dili.
  • Dubai: 9 hours ahead of New York. For example, when it is 6:00 am in New York, it is 3:00 pm of the same day in Dubai.
  • Moscow: 8 hours ahead of New York. For example, when it is 6:00 am in New York, it is 2:00 pm of the same day in Moskva.
  • Berlin (Berlin): 6 hours ahead of New York. For example, when it is 6:00 am in New York, it is noon of the same day in Berlin.
  • Paris: 5 hours ahead of New York. For example, when it is 6:00 am in New York, it is noon of the same day in Paris.
  • London: 5 hours ahead of New York. For example, when it is 6:00 am in New York, it is noon of the same day in London.

I hope this helps you plan your travel or communication with people across different time zones. 😊

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